Is anyone familiar with this scenario?
We have a hungry dog, hungry cats, hungry gerbils and hungry fish. We have LOTS of pets. We also have 6 potential feeders in the family. I ask endless questions of "Did anyone feed the ..." (insert here- cats, dog, fish, etc.). Whisper, pictured above, is polite, but she at least paces when hungry and gets underfoot. The cats will RUN towards the laundry room whenever anyone ventures to the back hall, also tripping us. They can advocate for their needs. The gerbils and fish are at our mercy. The cats and dog are also prone to asking for more than their normal portion. I never seemed to know if the animals got fed AND I didn't want to do it all myself.
So I decided to take action.
I designed the form below:
I added some magnets labeled with different colored dots,
one for each pet type, marked C, D, G, F;
and placed it on the fridge.
(Because our dog gets meds twice a day
I added smaller magnets in the same color for her,
to help track that, as well.)
Here is the end result;
an easy to use,
easy to read record of which pets have eaten:
It will take a bit of training and encouragement to teach your family to consistently use this tool,
but your calm persistence will pay off in a few weeks.
but your calm persistence will pay off in a few weeks.
For help with this or any other organizing project,
Simply call Linda, 716-631-5619.