My instructions depend on the prerequisite that you know how to make a folder on your computer. I have included three links to Youtube videos to help you with this. Even though you may know already how to do this, you may want to view all three as they are brief and they have handy tips- I even learned some new things!
Create a new folder - Windows 1
Create a new folder - Windows 2
Create a new folder - Mac
After you have viewed the videos, first go to your Pictures folder (or create one in your Finder if you are on Mac) and create a folder named @Yearly Photos or 1. Yearly Photos. The @ sign or 1. merely prioritizes it so it sorts to the top automatically when alphabetized.
Next, Create a Folder named 2014, then create 12 more folders that name the months of the year, as follows. If you mimic my name labels, then your year will sort in order, like mine does. If you just use the month name, it will sort alphabetically unless you number them in the name, i.e. 1. January.
If you have other photos & videos from previous years that need filing, follow the same procedure for each year. You can simply highlight and drag the files (copy & paste) into your new folders, as shown in the videos.
As you download photos & videos from your phone, camera or emails, search for the appropriate month's folder and save them in it. You can certainly make sub-folders within the month, such as First Day of School, Trip to China, if you want to. I do this for some, but not all of the photos.
I keep most of my photos this structure, however, I have other topic titles for certain ones I like to keep separate. School Portraits, House Photos and Business Photos are all examples of additional folders I keep in my Pictures folder, in addition to Yearly Photos.
Good luck with your photo sorting. Let me know how it goes!
For help with any organizing project,
simply call Linda, 716-631-5619.
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